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General Enquiry
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Welcome to the City of Belmont's Online Request Service
We are always looking to improve our services and aiming to deliver a City of Opportunity for all. We welcome your requests.
Below is a list of the request types that you can either lodge online, or where applicable, select to list related requests. Please select the required type and click the continue button or alternatively click the description (where available) to list the related request types.
If you have any questions regarding your Request, please contact the City of Belmont on 08 9477 7222 weekdays 8:30am - 4:45pm or alternatively
email the City
Select a Customer Service request type
Animal . . .
Renew your animal registration here
Drainage . . .
Blocked drain? Report it here
Rates . . .
eRates, direct debit and alternative arrangement applications and other property amendments
Parks . . .
Have you noticed a damaged barbeque or one that needs cleaning? Or does something in your local park require maintenance? Report it here...
Paths / Verges . . .
Does a path or a verge require some attention? Report it here...
Residential Parking Permit
DA6 Airport Precinct
Pests . . .
Report some problem bees in a park or on the verge...
Roads / Streets . . .
Do you know of a pot hole that needs fixing or street repairs that require attention? Report it here...
Signs . . .
Report damaged or missing traffic signs or signals
Tree . . .
Need to let us know about an issue regarding a tree? Report it here...
Elected Member Request Form
Service Request . . .
Media & Communications . . .
Bins . . .
Request to upgrade your recycling bin